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Religious Studies Opportunities Digest – 14 Dec 2012


We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page. wordle

pdf summary document can now be download. This can be printed and circulated to colleagues or put up on a notice board.

In this issue:

  • Journals
  • Portals
  • Call for Papers
  • Conferences
  • Training
  • Jobs
  • Grants/Funding

And don’t forget, you can always get involved with the Religious Studies Project by writing one of our features essays or resources pages. Contact the editors for more information.


Journal of Religion in Japan 1/3 (2012)

New issue of electronic Journal “Quest”. Focus on memories of North African Jews
Description: The fourth issue of the online journal “Quest” is now entirely and freely available online.  http://www.quest-cdecjournal.it/ The focus section is dedicated to the memories of North African Jews, the discussion instead concerns the stimulating volume “Metamaus”. You will also find two book reviews.
Contact: mail [at] quest-cdecjournal.it
URL: www.quest-cdecjournal.it/
Announcement ID: 199156

Associate Managing Editor, Southern Jewish History
Location: South Carolina
Description: Associate Managing Editor, Southern Jewish History
Deadline for Application Submissions: January 10, 2013 The Southern Jewish Historical Society (SJHS) seeks a temporary, part-time associate managing editor (ME) of the societys      annual, peer-reviewed journal, Southern Jewish History (SJH).
Announcement ID: 199381

Euxeinos 8 onReligion and Society in Contemporary Bulgaria is now available online.
Description: Euxeinos 8 onReligion and Society in Contemporary  Bulgaria is now available online.Guest Editor Stefan Kube (Zurich)The current issue of Euxeinos originated in cooperation with G2W – kumenisches Forum fr Glauben, Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West in Zrich” (Oecumenical Forum for Faith, Relig …
Announcement ID: 199140


My-Parish.org – a new community platform for parish studies
Description: My-Parish.org – a new community platform for parish studies The Warwick Network for Parish Research is pleased to announce the launch of My-Parish.org , a portal to parish, history, heritage, art and culture! My-Parish is an online community and resource for everyone interested in parishes,  from the …
Contact: john.morgan [at] Warwick.ac.uk
URL: my-parish.org/
Announcement ID: 199274


CFP: Third Asian Conference on Asian Studies: Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures
Date: 2013-02-01
Description: Contemporary contexts of the local, regional, national and global raise urgent questions about cultural conviviality and cosmopolitan futures across Asia. These are      times when trans-cultural, trans-national and multicultural belonging are particularly being tested through environmental catastrophe,  …
Contact: baden.offord [at] scu.edu.au
URL: acas.iafor.org/
Announcement ID: 199303

CFP:Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences
Description: The Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences is calling for papers for the February 2013 issue. JAPSS is indexed and catalogued by EBSCOhost, DOAJ, and many others. The Journal is published both electronically and in print.  …
Contact: journalalternative [at] hotmail.com
URL: www.japss.org
Announcement ID: 199358

CFP: Sacred Space in Secular Institutions
Please send abstracts to Chris Hewson by 15 December: chris.hewson@manchester.ac.uk

Venue: Humanities Bridgeford Street Building 1.69 (University of Manchester)
Date: Friday 18th January

The role, form and affect of sacred space(s) within secular institutions is a theme that is increasingly attractive to scholars within the social sciences. This Socrel study day will consider how different types of organisation including but not limited to educational establishments, hospitals and hospices, airports, public buildings, shopping centres, etc make space for faith, sacrality and religious practice(s) within their buildings, management structures and public offerings.

The study day will also consider: the key social, cultural and political drivers behind these spaces; precursors and ongoing developments; how such spaces are positioned within contemporary policy debates; and the practical issues practitioners should consider when designing and managing sacred space within a secular institution. The day will be centred around three axes:


  • A reflection upon the wide range of institutions that contain set-aside sacred space.
  • A close sociological reading of what happens within these spaces on a day-to-day basis, and how this might be conceptualised methodologically. For instance, how are they shared? How can effective use be measured?
  • A thoroughgoing assessment of the role and practice(s) of extant religious groups and traditions, within the provision and ongoing usage of these spaces.

We welcome contributions of any length (20 minute papers, 10-15 minute presentations) which address these, and any of the following questions:

  • What are these spaces for, and how are roles and designations contested?
  • What is or can be sacred about these spaces?
  • To what extent are these spaces multi-faith in either description or usage?
  • Do these spaces demonstrate novelty or continuity with existing forms?
  • What are the normative factors governing the development of these spaces (e.g. cohesion, diversity, customer focus, etc). Can these factors always be reconciled?

Please send abstracts to Chris Hewson by 15 December: chris.hewson [at] manchester.ac.uk


Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2013
Date: 2013-03-28
Description: The International Academic Forum, in conjunction with its global partners, is proud to announce the Third Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, to be held from March 28 – 31 2013, at the Ramada Osaka, Osaka, Japan. 2013 Conference Theme: “Connectedness & Alienation: The 21st Ce …
Contact: mchoi [at] iafor.org
URL: www.acp.iafor.org
Announcement ID: 199218

Theory and Philosophy Summer School.Theme: ‘Transgression and Normativity’
Date: 2013-03-01
Description: Theory and philosophy summer school 2013 offers a strongly student-centred & collaborative setting in which students participate in sessions led by academics from UCC & guest professors. Conventional didactic presentations are bolstered by small group work, student-led seminars & discussions, peer-g …
Contact: admin [at] tapss.ie
URL: www.tapss.ie/index.html
Announcement ID: 199142

Free conference
To the Academy and beyond: religious literacy in contemporary society
The Old Refectory, UCL, 22nd January 2013

As part of our series of free events, we are hosting a one-day
international conference highlighting the lessons learned from three
years of research into religious literacy in Higher Education and
focusing on how these can be applied beyond ‘the Academy’.

One of the key findings of our previous evaluation was the widespread
perception of the potential value added in HEIs by engagement with
issues of religious faith at a time of economic and social stress. For
example, working with faith groups institutions can provide a more
religiously literate student experience, avoid expensive and divisive
equality litigation, promote a culture of openness, trust and enquiry,
and work in community partnerships to prevent the divisions which often
arise when there is financial strain and high levels of unemployment.

These lessons can also be applied to sectors outside of Higher Education
and this conference will focus on this as well as highlighting the
findings and successes of the Religious Literacy Leadership Programme’s
work with Higher Education Institutions across the country. This free
conference will explore the processes, impacts and experiences of
developing strategy in relation to religion and belief. There will also
be opportunities to meet with counterparts in other institutions to
exchange skills and learning and consider potential for partnership and
networking around these issues.

Sessions will include workshops on religious literacy and:

The media

Confirmed speakers include:

Professor Stephen Prothero, Boston University
Professor Linda Woodhead, Lancaster University
Professor Reina Lewis, University of the Arts, London
Mr Michael Wakelin, Cambridge Coexist Programme

Places are limited and registration is now open at:



The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) Program of the Social Science Research Council, in conjunction with the University of Warwick, is pleased to announce the following research and training opportunity for early to mid-stage doctoral students within the U.S. and United Kingdom:
Postcolonial Identities and Decolonial Struggles: Creolization and Colored Cosmopolitanism

The Spring Workshop will be held May 28-June 2, 2013 in Coventry, England on the campus of the University of Warwick and the Fall Workshop will be held September 18-22, 2013 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.



Kalamazoo College – Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor, East
Asian Studies

Woolf Institute – Academic Director, Centre for the Study of
Muslim-Jewish Relations

College of Charleston – Visiting Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies

The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen has an opening for 4 PhD positions (full employment), three of them for 3 years, and one of them for 4 years. Please see the announcement on our website at http://www.rug.nl/ggw/organization/vacancies/phd-positions/121208?lang=en


AHRC Large Grants
Closing date: January
Large Grants under the Science in Culture, Digital Transformations and Translating Cultures themes are now available. Successful proposals under the Large Grants call are expected to support research activities of a scale and ambition beyond that normally required for a standard AHRC grant.

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